Bridget Griffin

Bridget has been working in closing and escrow for 12 years. She now manages the sale transactions at Scafidi Juliano. Working with sellers brings a personal aspect to the closing transaction. Often meeting with sellers, she hears their stories and memories regarding the property being sold. Her favorite part of the process is being part of a team with the agents and sellers, all working toward the same goal. “There is nothing better than telling a seller congratulations.”

What is a charity you feel passionate about?
The “1 Lt. Scott F. Milley Memorial Foundation.” Army Ranger Scott Milley from Sudbury MA made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation. The Foundation provides Scholarships, donates to worthy causes, and supports the Rangers of the US Army.

Favorite Quote?
“In this world we all try to have control, but all we really have is each other.” -Mr. Hamwey

Do you have any hidden talents or hobbies?
I play the ukulele.

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